The purpose of this project is to learn. It is unlikely to grow beyond an MVP, but if you like it and want to build it up you can check out the full source code on GitHub.

Built with ease

The tech stack for this project is: ASP.NET for server side rendering & data access, Bootstrap & CSS for style, PokeAPI for data, and of course HTML and JS to make the horse go.


Server side rendered using Razor pages and the latest version of .NET Core


Built with the latest version of Boostrap


Built with the latest version of CSS

Powered by PokeAPI

PokeAPI provides a RESTful API interface to highly detailed objects built from thousands of lines of data related to Pokémon. They specifically cover the video game franchise.

This API provides information on Pokémon, their moves, abilities, types, egg groups and much, much more.

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There is a plant seed on its back right from the day this Pokémon is born. The seed slowly grows larger.

See Entry


A flame burns on the tip of its tail from birth. It is said that a Charmander dies if its flame ever goes out.

See Entry


When it retracts its long neck into its shell, it squirts out water with vigorous force.

See Entry
